Baur Frida TD VLF Testing Devices

CEPCO Sales are official distributors for  Baur Frida TD VLF testing units in Saudi Arabia. 


Cable testing and diagnostics with the BAUR frida TD

The portable and high performance high-voltage testing and diagnostics device is available in two different configurations:
frida: Used for cable and cable sheath testing of medium-voltage cables and electrical equipment up to 20 kV. Another function is insulation testing on electrical equipment.

frida TD: Expands the functional scope of frida with the tan delta diagnostics and Monitored Withstand Test (MWT) that combines the cable testing and dissipation factor measurement. This allows for an accurate and comprehensive assessment of the cable condition.

  • Cable testing and dissipation factor diagnostics in one device
  • Easy and quick test setup
  • Automatic testing and diagnostic sequences
  • Compact dimensions and lightweight

More info

For more information about Baur Frida TD VLF testing units, click here.

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