HIGH VOLT Pruftechnik Dresden
High Volt “DITAS” AC Voltage Test Systems for Distribution Transformers
High Volt “GP” DC Test Systems
High Volt “GPM” Modular DC Test Systems
High Volt “IP” Impulse Voltage Test Systems
HIGH VOLT Connection Points for High Voltage Dividers
High Volt Digital Transient Measuring and Recording Systems MIC
High Volt Electrostatic Precipitators SIFUPIC-F-111 KV
High Volt Electrostatic Precipitators SIFUPIC-F-86 KV
High Volt HCTS High current test systems
High Volt HiCOS Control Test Systems
High Volt LiMOS Transformer Loss Measuring Systems
High Volt Multi Channel Partial Discharge Measurement Systems PIDAS MPD600
High Volt Single Channel Partial Discharge Detectors ICM Compact
High Volt WR AC Resonant Test Systems with Variable Inductance | Metal Tank Type
High Volt WRM AC Resonant Test Systems with Variable Inductance | Modular Reactors
High Volt WRU AC Resonant Test Systems with Variable Inductance | Tap Changer Type